“Five Friends, Ten Phases”

Short Film Premiere + Comedy Improv Show

…is a short film premiere + live comedy improv show produced by Meredith Kidd and Liesl Eppes - the Co-Creators of JOJO Productions. It is a project that is driven by local female creatives. The actors and improvisers of the short film were also the performers in the live comedy improv show and local female artists were selected to serve as vendors in the lobby during pre-show and intermission. “Five Friends, Ten Phases” was a passion project to promote and facilitate creative agency to professional artists in Charleston, SC.

Short Film Premise:
Five friends come together to enjoy their annual tradition of playing the card game Phase 10. What starts as a cute tea party with freshly baked scones, quickly devolves into chaos and begs each woman to ask herself, “Are you playing to play? Or playing to win?”


Written & directed by: Liesl Eppes
Produced by: Meredith Kidd + Liesl Eppes
Performed by: Meredith Kidd, Ali Sylvester, Alexandra Bennett, Lily Stanton, & Jillian Bonner

Comedy Improv Show Clip

Performed by:
Ali Sylvester, Meredith Kidd,
Lily Stanton, & Ian Brennan



